Comprehensive instructions on configuring files and utilizing export functions.
Prior experience as a developer or basic programming skills are recommended to effectively navigate this section of the documentation.
1. Events
-- our radial menu comes with 4 templates/designs built-in.
-- Choose the one you like via crm-config.lua
crm_config.crm_style = "crm-radialmenu-3" -- "crm-radialmenu-1" or "crm-radialmenu-2" or "crm-radialmenu-3" or "crm-radialmenu-4"
2. Exports
-- Add a new item to an existing menu:
crm_menu = "crm-citizen",
crm_items = {
crm_id = 'crm-test-item-1',
crm_title = "New Item 1",
crm_icon = "globe",
crm_close = true,
crm_click = function()
print('New Item 1 Clicked')
crm_id = 'crm-test-item-2',
crm_title = "New Item 2",
crm_icon = "globe",
crm_close = true,
crm_action = {crm_type = "crm-client", crm_event = "qb-phone:client:GiveContactDetails", crm_args = {}},
-- Remove an item from an existing menu:
{crm_menu = "crm-citizen", crm_items = {"crm-test-item-1", "crm-test-item-2"}}
-- Add a new menu to the radial:
crm_id = 'crm-new-menu',
crm_title = "My New Menu",
crm_icon = "car",
crm_items = {
crm_id = 'crm-new-menu-1',
crm_title = "Menu Item 1",
crm_icon = "car",
crm_close = true,
crm_command = "commandname", -- Execute /commandname
-- Remove a menu from the radial: