Comprehensive instructions on configuring files and utilizing export functions.
Prior experience as a developer or basic programming skills are recommended to effectively navigate this section of the documentation.
-- crm-core -
crm_config.crm_settings = {
crm_qbox = false, -- Enable this if you are usin QBox.
crm_inv = "crm_qb", -- Inventory: "crm_qb", "crm_esx", "crm_ox"
crm_not = "crm_notify", -- Notify: "crm_notify", "crm_ox", "crm_hud"
crm_tui = "crm_textui", -- Text UI: "crm_textui", "crm_ox"
crm_rad = "crm_radial", -- Radial Menu: "crm_radial", "crm_ox"
crm_tar = "crm_qb", -- Target: "crm_ox", "crm_qb"
-- crm-core -
crm_config.crm_resources = {
-- your server framework, will be detected automatically. if you have rename your framework folder, change it here as well.
crm_lib = {
crm_qb = "qb-core", -- Works for both QBcore / QBox.
crm_esx = "es_extended", -- ESX
crm_inv = {
crm_ox = "ox_inventory",
crm_qb = "qb-inventory",
crm_esx = "esx_addoninventory",
crm_rad = {
crm_radial = "crm-radialmenu",
crm_ox = "ox_lib",
crm_not = {
crm_notify = "crm-core",
crm_ox = "ox_lib",
crm_hud = "crm-hud",
crm_tui = {
crm_textui = "crm-core",
crm_ox = "ox_lib"
crm_tar = {
crm_ox = "ox_target",
crm_qb = "qb-target"
-- You can add as many notifications types you want via the crm-config.lua
crm_config.crm_notifs = { -- Only if use our built-in notification system.
['crm-primary'] = {crm_title = "Primary", crm_icon = "fa-check-double", crm_color = "var(--crm-primary)"},
['crm-success'] = {crm_title = "Success", crm_icon = "fa-check-double", crm_color = "var(--crm-success)"},
['crm-error'] = {crm_title = "Error", crm_icon = "fa-circle-xmark", crm_color = "var(--crm-danger)"},
-- How to use the notify exports.
local crm_settings = {
crm_type = "crm-primary",
crm_msg = "Test notification",
crm_pos = "top", -- "top-left" , "top", "top-right", "center-left" , "center", "center-right", "botoom-left" , "botoom", "botoom-right",
crm_time = 5000,
-- How to use the textui exports.
local crm_settings = {
crm_key = "E",
crm_icon = "fa-solid fa-globe",
crm_text = "Open my menu",
-- How to use the textui exports.
local crm_settings = {
crm_fade = true, -- Enable/disable fade out animation.
Last updated