Generate Images
Comprehensive instructions on generate appearance images.
Last updated
Comprehensive instructions on generate appearance images.
Last updated
First, you should download our crm-screener script. Click here to download it.
Put the script in your resources folder (not in a sub folder in resources!), restart the server.
Now make sure you stop your weather script, as well as any afk scripts. You should not leave the server until the process is done.
Connect to the server, and use the following command to start generating the images -> /crm_screen
All images will be generated to crm-output folder, inside the crm-screener folder.
After the process is done, all images will be .png we need to conver it to .webp to lower file size, to do that we gonna use a program called xnconver, Click here to download it.
Open the xnconvert and drag everything inside the crm-output folder to the program.
Inside the xnconver program go to output page and make sure your settings are same as the following:
Make sure the Filename is {Filename} and not {Filename}_results.
Select an output folder, where converted will be saved, click Convert and wait for the process to end.
copy the folder (crm-faces, crm-overlays, crm-comps, crm-props) to the appearance script, exactly to crm-appearance -> crm-web -> crm-files.